Case Information Screen Liability
Plaintiff Information Fields marked with a    red asterisk mark (*) are mandatory.
* Last Name

* First Name

* SSN (xxx-xx-xxxx)

* Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

* Gender
Street Address

* Claim Number

* Date of Accident (mm/dd/yyyy)

* State of Jurisdiction

* Case Type

   General Liability Policy
    Auto Policy
* Self-Insured
* Carrier

* TPA/Servicing Agent

Excess Carrier
Defendant/Insured Name

Responsible Reporting Entity (RRE)

Contact Information
Defense Attorney
Plaintiff/Claimant Attorney
Structured Settlement Broker
* Service Requested: Please call 888.672.7674 with any questions.
To prevent delays or complications with completing the requested service please confirm the information reported to Medicare through Section 111 reflects what is being provided on the referral form for the requested service.
MSA Compliance Solutions
Conditional Payment Compliance Solutions
Claim Forecasting Solutions
Clinical Cost Containment Solutions
MSA Funds Administration
Additional Information
Notes: (Please include any information related to this file not otherwise noted. Maximum 5000 characters are allowed.)

Pertinent Information Related to the File:
* What diagnoses/body part(s) are claimed/treated in this claim?
What diagnoses/body part(s) are pre-existing or exacerbated in this claim?
What is the proposed settlement amount?  
Please note, CMS shares Section 111 reporting data with the Workers’ Compensation Review Center (WCRC), Benefits Coordination Recovery Center (BCRC), Commercial Repayment Center (CRC) and Medicare Advantage Plans (MAP) to aid in the recovery of conditional payments and the approval of the Medicare Set-Aside.  Optum encourages a review of the ICD codes, Ongoing Responsibility of Medical (ORM) and Total Payment Obligation to Claimant (TPOC) information provided through Section 111 mandatory insurer reporting, to ensure accurate reporting, as Medicare’s claims processing contractors will use this information to pay or deny medical bills accordingly.
“The CMS portal used to submit MSAs to the WCRC for approval does not accept a file that has both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes. If this MSA is to be submitted to CMS for approval the codes will need to up updated to whatever codes have been provided through MMSEA Section 111 reporting (ICD-9 if pre 10/5/15 DOA or ICD-10 if post 10/5/15 DOA). To aid in the conversion Optum provides an ICD look up tool which can be accessed by clicking”
Unless otherwise indicated, the referring party will be responsible for all payments.
**Cancellation of referral after work has commenced is subject to a fee of 25% of the original cost for the service.
If you would like an email confirmation, please enter your email address below. If you would like to send to multiple email addresses, please enter each address separated by a semi-colon. If you have already provided an email address in the Adjuster Contact Information section of this form, you will automatically receive an email confirmation.
Confirmation Email
Please indicate the Optum Settlement Solutions Associate that worked with you on this file: